Introduction to Surfing & Muay Thai

Discover These Two Exciting Disciplines in an Ideal Environment!

Our programs dedicated to introducing you to surfing and Muay Thai are available from April 15 to November 15, depending on surf conditions, and are suitable for the whole family.

Based on one or two days, including overnight stays, they can be adapted to fit your travel schedule.

Why such a combination? Because both surfing and Muay Thai involve concepts of stance, balance, and coordination.

Practicing Muay Thai also helps develop muscle tone and excellent cardio, which you’ll quickly feel the benefits of when you step onto your surfboard.

Our small Muay Thai gym is a welcoming place with positive vibes, free of egos, and staffed by friendly, experienced trainers.

Just like surfing, Khao Lak is an ideal place for a first experience of Thai boxing.

Price per person

  • From 3000 bahts/p.

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